Bill Kelliher (Mastodon) - ToneHub Preset Pack
Bill Kelliher (Mastodon) - ToneHub Preset Pack
Bill Kelliher (Mastodon) - ToneHub Preset Pack

Bill Kelliher

ToneHub Expansion

About Bill

Bill Kelliher is the guitarist in the Grammy winning band Mastodon. Having won Metal Hammer Golden Gods ‘Best Shredders Award’ previously, Bill is very particular about guitar tone and was diligent to demonstrate this in his Tonehub Pack.

The sounds

Created during the sessions for the bands recently released album ‘Hushed and Grim’, it draws from the new record while showcasing tones from the bands extensive back catalogue and heavily features Bills own Friedman™ Butterslax signature amp. Bill was excited for his pack to not only feature the individual amp and cab setups he used, but his own careful blends of these specific tones, not only giving you the album ready sounds, but also the component tones used so you can set your own blend to taste.

What's included

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